Kamis, 04 Oktober 2018

Topic : Online Publlic Transportation Help The Society in Big City

In technological era, we are certainly familiar with online public transportation. Almost everyone have used this transportation. Affordable prices and convenient services make people prefer online transportation. According to one lecturer UNAIR, Mr. Doni said online public transportation is one form of the implementation of road traffic and transportation and utilizing the development of science (technology)

Based on data, there are several statements that support that online public transportation help the society in big city, such as you can pay non-cash use electronic money, you don't need to bring a lot of money and more save your time because after getting off the car or motorcycle you don't need to make a transaction. You can think if we use public transportation and you forget bring your money, plus you are in hurry, how do you pay for it ? You can't pay later because you are not sure meet again with the driver.

Other than that, based on source amperanews.com , use online public transportation our security is guaranteed, because the driver's movements can be seen through the application. Especially for consumers who are careless, often forgetting or leaving goods in the public vehicle. If in online transportation we can call back to the driver or directly to the application office to be able to return the item to us again.

There are still disadvantages of using online public transportation, based on the customer of online transportation, Febriyeni Susi, student of SMAN 1 Bekasi said that the driver known our number telephone and address which can lead to misusing.

To sum up, based on a lot of data there are many advantages that online transportation have. Although there are still some lack, the existence of online transportation is very suitable with the current state of society, they are present in accordance with what we need in modern times.

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