The thing everyone awaits is come... Do you know what ? Yup, that is a HOLIDAY !! Yeaayy, I'm sure everyone love this one word very much. Have you got a plan guys ? What will you do ? Where will you go ? If you haven't a plan you should read this conversation between Widy and Asti, maybe they will inspired you, maybe...
Widy : "Peww, what's going on ?"
Asti : "Hallo Wid, I'm fine thank you. And you ?"
Widy : "I'm verry happy Pew, my mood is in the best condition."
Asti : "Wow.. what happen, Wid? You get a present from someone or anything else maybe ?"
Widy : "It is better from that."
Asti : "Okay, let me know what makes you like this?"
Widy : "I'm happy because holiday is coming !! Can you believe it ?
H-O-L-I-D-A-Y !! I'm excited so much, thank you God finally the awaited day is coming !!"
Asti : "Keep calm Widy, you look like a crazy people oh my God hahaha."
Widy : "Don't you feel that way too, Pew ? After busyness that we face we given to enjoy the holiday, so what will you do next holiday ?"
Asti : "Hmmm.. maybe I will go to the moon."
Widy : "Haha, are you kidding me ? Come on !"
Asti : " Why ? Am I wrong ? You asked me what will I do, and that's my answer."
Widy : "Okay okay, whatever you want.. Why do you want to go there ?"
Asti : " I don't know, it just interesting for me. Who knows ? Maybe someone suddenly give me a holiday package to the moon !"
Widy : " Hahaha, amen.. I just hope God will grant what you say.
So, with whom will you go ?"
Asti : " I think with my boyfriend ?"
Widy : " Wow..well well, see who's talking ? The question is do you have a boyfriend ? You are fantasize too much, Pew."
Asti : "Haha.. of course I have, it's just that he hasn't come to see me."
Widy : "Okay, then.. How will you go there ?"
Asti : " Certainly I will go by rocket, it will be fun."
Widy : " Wow but that's need a lot of money !"
Asti : "Of course, nothing is cheap to go to the place that so far."
Widy : " Yup, you're right. What is your second plan ?"
Asti : " Hmm.. I think, I will go to Venus."
Widy : " Huh ? What a strange plan, Pew !"
Asti : " It's up to me..."
Widy : " Okay, well becareful on your journey and don't forget bring something for me. I hope you will be comeback."
Asti : " Sure ! Thank you, have a nice holiday Widy !"
Widy : " Happy holiday, Bye Asti !"
Rabu, 30 Agustus 2017
Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017
* In A Korean Festival *
Nisrina : "Ouh ! Ahh no.." *the drink spilled*
Widy : "Oh my God ! I'm so sorry, I really was unintentional."
Nisrina : "No problem." *clean her clothes*
Widy : "Let me help you. Give me apologize :( it was an accident."
Nisrina : "Don't worry, it just a dirnk. So to whom I say thank you ?"
Widy : "Oh my name is Widyana, you can call me widy. And to whom I have to say sorry ?"
Nisrina : "Haha my name is Nisrina, you can call me Iryn."
Widy : "Nice to meet you Iryn, sorry Iryn you get a bad experience for the first time meet me."
Nisrina : "Ahh it's okay Widy, keep calm. So what grade are you ?"
Widy : " I'm in the tenth grade, what about you ?"
Nisrina : "Seriously ? You don't look like that haha. But me too ! I'm also in tenth grade."
Widy : "Haha do I have a baby face?"
Nisrina : "Not really hahaha.." *laughing together*
Widy : "Haha okay okay stop it. So, with who you come here ?
Nisrina : "I'm alone, my friends are busy. And you ?"
Widy : "Oohh, I'm waiting for my friend but she hasn't come yet."
Nisrina : "How about we around together?"
Widy : "Ah that's a good idea ! Come on !"
* when walking around *
Nisrina : "Wow what a spectaculer event! There's a lot about Korea here, I love it !"
Widy : "So true ! I feel like in Korea, it's just Lai Kuanlin is not here haha."
Nisrina : "Haha it's just dream, hmm but wait , do you like him ?"
Widy : "Sure ! And I love him more than anything."
Nisrina : "Haha you're crazy, but I like *wanna one too !"
Widy : "Wow great! Who member do you like?"
Nisrina : "I like Ong Seong Woo, he is so cool."
Widy : "Wow haha I'm very happy meet *wannable here!"
Nisrina : "Haha, by the way I'm hungry, let's buy *topokki or kimchi."
Widy : "Okay but after that we should go to wanna one stand, and buy some merchandise there."
Nisrina : "Okay okay let's go!"
*Wanna One = popular idol group in Korea
Wannable = fans of Wanna One
Topokki and Kimchi = typical Korean food
* after eat and buy some merchandise *
Nisrina : "Whoaa it is so funny, Wid ! I'm verry happy today."
Widy : "Haha i feel that way too! Fortunately I meet you, maybe I'll be alone because my friend suddenly can't come here."
Nisrina : "I am also pleased to meet you, you are very friendly and fun."
Widy : "We should meet in another festival, okay ? This is my contact, we can chat anytime." *provide a contact number*
Nisrina : "Okay, I certainly contact you. Thank you for today Widy, it's great to see you."
Widy : "Mee too Iryn, good bye ! See you later Iryn !"
Nisrina : "Bye Widy, be careful !"
Nisrina : "Ouh ! Ahh no.." *the drink spilled*
Widy : "Oh my God ! I'm so sorry, I really was unintentional."
Nisrina : "No problem." *clean her clothes*
Widy : "Let me help you. Give me apologize :( it was an accident."
Nisrina : "Don't worry, it just a dirnk. So to whom I say thank you ?"
Widy : "Oh my name is Widyana, you can call me widy. And to whom I have to say sorry ?"
Nisrina : "Haha my name is Nisrina, you can call me Iryn."
Widy : "Nice to meet you Iryn, sorry Iryn you get a bad experience for the first time meet me."
Nisrina : "Ahh it's okay Widy, keep calm. So what grade are you ?"
Widy : " I'm in the tenth grade, what about you ?"
Nisrina : "Seriously ? You don't look like that haha. But me too ! I'm also in tenth grade."
Widy : "Haha do I have a baby face?"
Nisrina : "Not really hahaha.." *laughing together*
Widy : "Haha okay okay stop it. So, with who you come here ?
Nisrina : "I'm alone, my friends are busy. And you ?"
Widy : "Oohh, I'm waiting for my friend but she hasn't come yet."
Nisrina : "How about we around together?"
Widy : "Ah that's a good idea ! Come on !"
* when walking around *
Nisrina : "Wow what a spectaculer event! There's a lot about Korea here, I love it !"
Widy : "So true ! I feel like in Korea, it's just Lai Kuanlin is not here haha."
Nisrina : "Haha it's just dream, hmm but wait , do you like him ?"
Widy : "Sure ! And I love him more than anything."
Nisrina : "Haha you're crazy, but I like *wanna one too !"
Widy : "Wow great! Who member do you like?"
Nisrina : "I like Ong Seong Woo, he is so cool."
Widy : "Wow haha I'm very happy meet *wannable here!"
Nisrina : "Haha, by the way I'm hungry, let's buy *topokki or kimchi."
Widy : "Okay but after that we should go to wanna one stand, and buy some merchandise there."
Nisrina : "Okay okay let's go!"
*Wanna One = popular idol group in Korea
Wannable = fans of Wanna One
Topokki and Kimchi = typical Korean food
* after eat and buy some merchandise *
Nisrina : "Whoaa it is so funny, Wid ! I'm verry happy today."
Widy : "Haha i feel that way too! Fortunately I meet you, maybe I'll be alone because my friend suddenly can't come here."
Nisrina : "I am also pleased to meet you, you are very friendly and fun."
Widy : "We should meet in another festival, okay ? This is my contact, we can chat anytime." *provide a contact number*
Nisrina : "Okay, I certainly contact you. Thank you for today Widy, it's great to see you."
Widy : "Mee too Iryn, good bye ! See you later Iryn !"
Nisrina : "Bye Widy, be careful !"
Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017
This Is Myself !
Hi guys ! This is my first time to write a blog so please guide me. My name is Widyana Khoerunnisa you can call me widy or anything you want. I was born in Bandung, 1st of January 2002 a good date, isn't it ? Many people said to me that's special were born on that date, but I don't think so. For me every day, every date and every year is a good time. Okay that's just my opinion, let's continue to talk about me. Now i'm study at 3 Junior High School at X grade.
I have one brother and sister, the first one is Rizky Nurachman, I usually call him Iki. He already graduated from Techincal Institute Bandung, and now he is in Palembang, quite distance place right ? Honestly I'm very sad parted with him, why ? Because he always supported me, preach to me, and he is place of grief. He will comeback in Januari 2018, oh god that's a long time for me. I miss you my brother, take care there i always praying for you here !
And the second one is Annisa Nursalsabilla, I call her salsa. She study at PadjajaranUniversity. She live in Jatinangor, and every Friday she go home, and back to Jatinangor on Sunday. So you can think how lonely in my house , yea I know maybe I more excessive but I'm not yet usually for this situation. I think my borther and sister grow up so fast, and someday we will seperate. We have to go our own way. Believe it or not I want to crying write this.
Actually so many story i want to tell you, but the time is end. Maybe next time okay. Thanks guys for read my blog, see you !
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