Hi guys ! This is my first time to write a blog so please guide me. My name is Widyana Khoerunnisa you can call me widy or anything you want. I was born in Bandung, 1st of January 2002 a good date, isn't it ? Many people said to me that's special were born on that date, but I don't think so. For me every day, every date and every year is a good time. Okay that's just my opinion, let's continue to talk about me. Now i'm study at 3 Junior High School at X grade.
I have one brother and sister, the first one is Rizky Nurachman, I usually call him Iki. He already graduated from Techincal Institute Bandung, and now he is in Palembang, quite distance place right ? Honestly I'm very sad parted with him, why ? Because he always supported me, preach to me, and he is place of grief. He will comeback in Januari 2018, oh god that's a long time for me. I miss you my brother, take care there i always praying for you here !
And the second one is Annisa Nursalsabilla, I call her salsa. She study at PadjajaranUniversity. She live in Jatinangor, and every Friday she go home, and back to Jatinangor on Sunday. So you can think how lonely in my house , yea I know maybe I more excessive but I'm not yet usually for this situation. I think my borther and sister grow up so fast, and someday we will seperate. We have to go our own way. Believe it or not I want to crying write this.
Actually so many story i want to tell you, but the time is end. Maybe next time okay. Thanks guys for read my blog, see you !
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