Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Suggest And Offer


Widy : “Nisrina, have you choosen your additional subject?”
Nisrina : “Of course. Why ? There’s a problem, Widy ?”
Widy : “Can you help me to choose the subject ? I really comfused.”
Nisrina : “Ok. But, why don’t you ask your mother first ? I think she knows you better.”
Widy : “My mom said it’s up to me”
Nisrina : “Ok. Let’s see the positive and the negative first. If you have known, you will be easier to choose it.”
Widy : “Mmm.. you alright nissin, thank you for help me.”
Nisrina : “You’re welcome, Widy. Hopefully whatever your decision, that is the best”
Widy : “Amen thanks nissin. Shall we go to the canteen ? This problem makes me hungry.”
Nisrin : “Why not ? Let’s go !”

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